Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Farm Hands

I love the look of this rag tag group of kids. I wish I could find out more about their story.

The back of the print is inscribed,

"the whole cheese?
Notice Dorothy's expression.
Bill + Hud* are so dirty?"

*Could be Hud, Hurd or maybe even Hwd, perhaps an abbreviation for Howard?

I found this in an antique store/flea market in north Texas so I assume it was also shot in Texas. The clothing suggests a farming family.

Feel free to post any thoughts in the comments below.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

This is a small tintype I found in an antique store in Plano, Texas. it is only about two and a half inches tall. 

I fell in love with it immediately! This fellow comes off as a lovable rogue. 

I love the rakish tilt of his hat, the deer antler topped cane. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

On The Farm Again?

I love the overalls on this guy. They look well pressed, perhaps they are his Sunday overalls!

On The Farm?

I love the way the these two are posed, the little girl mirroring the father (grandfather?) with her arms behind her back.

It looks like they may be on a farm, most likely Texas as it's so flat; and of course because I found the image here in Texas.

It's a shame that it's so faded, and I wish I could see a little more of the truck to help date the image.

Collecting Vintage Photography

I recently started collecting vintage prints that I find at antique malls and flea markets.

As a single Dad I find myself drawn to photos of men with children, this one is particularly interesting.

I have included the back of the print which is inscribed;

"Jay - Baby
          James Grant

Elsa Mae

For Eva -
   Jay + his youngest"